This a coach of my undead team. Click "Read more" to see other photoes and learn about how I use this model on the field.
Doesn't look look very inspired with the team's play, right? That's why he is used as a reroll counter. With each reroll spent I move him one position on the marker line, when there are no left - he just become so upset with the loosers that he leaves the board.
There are some other uses for this model as well. As I don't have models for starplayers for my Undead and Necromantic teams, this model can also be used as Sinnedbad - a skeleton stabber. Yes, he stabs with his slipper instead of a dagger :D Probably I can use him as another starplayer as well, need to revise the rulebook to see whom else he can represent.
As for the model itself, it came in one piece, so no gluing was required, which I believe is good for metal models, that are always a pain to drill, add pins and glue. Almost no defects, so the only thing I had to do before painting was to glue it to the plastic base.
Ништяк Макс! Растонекро это круть! :)